Monthly Meetings


Who to call

Board of Directors monthly meetings are the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm, at the Old Firehouse Community Center, 20155 Elm Lane, Escondido, CA 92029.


Shareholder Meetings

Del Dios Mutual

Water Company

  • For leaks or water service questions, contact Roy Dunn 760-644-1997 or Larry Kluey at 760-484-7464
  • For company business questions, contact Rich Foster at 760-580-5805
Are held once a year in March at the Old Firehouse Community Center. Board elections are held annually at this meeting .

August 2024

Are you interested in the specifics of DDMWC water quality and testing? The most current Consumer Confidence Report is now available on this website under the Water Quality tab, and it is also posted at the Del Dios Firehouse Community Center. To request an emailed or hard copy. please contact Corporate Secretary Ruth Ketchum at or Superintendent Roy Dunn at and we'll send it to you.

April 2024

The 90th Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Del Dios Mutual Water Company was held on March 5, 2024 at the Old Firehouse in Del Dios. The following persons were elected to the Board by mail-in ballot and in-person voting: Rich Foster, Tom Hodges, Roy Dunn, Kevin Tackaberry, and Larry Kluey. Several persons were also nominated from the floor.

Financial, activity and water quality reports were given, and a Q and A session followed.

Meeting Summary:

The DDMWC is in good shape financially and continues to provide good clean water for its shareholders' use that meets all required testing standards, as it has since the company's founding in 1934.

Our water comes from wells deep in the granite below Del Dios, which, although hard with good minerals, provides consistently flowing clean water even through the statewide droughts of recent years. We are not dependent on the Colorado River or the Sacramento Delta, or Los Angeles or San Diego City mega-companies for our water. The rural, natural beauty of our community depends in part on local control of our own independent water company. By limiting growth and promoting conservation, we have kept our rates low and helped to make Del Dios a sustainable community for now and the future.

Two issues may affect company operations this year. The first is a decrease in the number of cell phone lease contracts on our water tank, which have helped us to maintain the lowest water rates in Southern California. Cell phone technology is changing, and we expect this downward trend to continue.

Second, due to recent ground water regionalization legislation, the State of California now regulates water quality in small water systems, taking over from the County of San Diego. The State requires a variety of additional testing, studies, and requirements for permitting. In order to maintain our independence as a local water system, filtration systems may be required in the near future, along with liquid chlorination of our wells.

Superintendant Roy Dunn and our Board of Directors are working closely with State officials to meet all of the new requirements, but the cost of additional testing and equipment is high.

We have suspended our main pipeline project for the time being, and are focusing on meeting new State requirements and bringing our new well online. As a result of these two issues, we expect that we will need to raise our water rates this year, and possibly do a special assessment if filtration is required. We will continue to work hard to maintain as low water rates as as we can, and continue to provide our community with excellent clean water as we have done for 90 years.

February, 2024

The Annual Meeting of shareholders of the Del Dios Mutual Water Company will be Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 7 pm in person at the Firehouse on Elm Lane in Del Dios.

Everyone is welcome to attend. The 2024 Board of Directors will be elected, and financial, water quality and activity reports will be presented. Shareholders have one vote per share. Q and A will follow. Please join us for FREE PIZZA. Find out about the current state of our water company and make your voice heard.

Mail-in ballots for Board of Directors have been sent to all shareholders. Please return your ballot ASAP by mail, in person, or to another shareholder to vote your proxy. Additional persons may be nominated from the floor at the meeting. We need a quorum of ballots to hold an election, so please return these TODAY or bring them to the Firehouse on March 5. Thank you to everyone who has sent in their ballots so far.

See you at the Firehouse on Tuesday, March 5, 2024.

September 2023

The Consumer Confidence Report (Water Quality) is now available on this website under the "Water Quality" tab. The CCR 2022 is the most current report. If you would like a print copy, please contact us and we will send you one. For more information on water quality and current testing, please join us at our monthly Board meeting on the first Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the Old Firehouse on Elm. For specific questions, contact Roy Dunn, Superintendent.

August, 2023

A precautionary "Boil Water" order was issued for several days in August, due to a City of San Diego sewer pipe leak near the top of Lake Drive. The leak was repaired by the City. This order was only precautionary: our water was tested and no contamination was detected. We apologize for any inconvenience experienced by our customers.

March, 2023

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the DDMWC was held on March 7, 2023 at the Old Firehouse on Elm Lane. The following persons were elected to the Board of Directors: Rich Foster, Roy Dunn, Tom Hodges, Larry Kluey and Kevin Tackaberry. Thank you to all shareholders who attended the meeting and to those who sent in their ballots by mail. We appreciate your support.

Older News Archive....

December, 2022

The 2022 Consumer Confidence Report is now available here on this website. Our water meets all state and federal health standards for water quality. The 2022 report is the most current and contains water quality test results through 2021. If you would like a printed copy of the report, please contact us and we will send you one.

June 10, 2022

WATER SHUT OFF MONDAY: On Monday, June 13 at 9:00 am the Del Dios Mutual Water Company will shut off water in Del Dios from Tamarack to Fremont/Carson (the South end of town) to repair a leak at Tamarack and Third. Repairs are expected to be completed by Monday evening. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

June 8, 2022


1. With the merger of Sprint and T-Mobile, our cell-phone tower income will decrease by $30k this year. We will pursue other cell-phone companies, but we may need to increase water availability fees in 2023.

2. Serious Drought Declared in California and the West. Please help conserve water by following the DDMWC Water Conservation Measures and tips on this website.

April 6, 2022


Water will be shut off today at 10:00 am for DDMWC customers between Kalmia and Elm in Del Dios. Leak repair. Sorry for the inconvenience.

March 2, 2022

At the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of the Del Dios Mutual Water Company held on March 1, 2022, the following persons were elected to the Board of Directors for the 2022 term: Rich Foster, Tom Hodges, Roy Dunn, Larry Kluey and Keven Tackaberry. Each received 98 votes, except one who received 97 votes. There were no write-in votes.

Thank you to everyone who sent in or brought in their ballot to be counted! Thank you to those who attended the Annual Meeting via Zoom. An edited summary of the meeting will be placed on this website soon. Next year we hope to host this meeting in person. On behalf of the Board of the DDMWC, we appreciate your participation and support!
         --Ruth Ketchum, Corp. Secretary for the DDMWC

January 29, 2022
Save the Date: March 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm will be our Annual Meeting of Shareholders. We will hold this meeting online with Zoom, for the safety of all during the continuing COVID-19 surge. This meeting WILL NOT be in person. It will be recorded, so if you miss the zoom meeting, you can view a recording of the meeting on this website.

Annual Board elections take place at this meeting. Shareholders will receive ballots by US Mail: please vote and return your ballot by mail ASAP, thank you! Please make sure we have your correct email address to receive the Zoom link invitation.

February 2, 2021

Annual Board elections take place in March. Shareholders will receive ballots by US Mail: please vote and return your ballot by mail ASAP, thank you! Virtual Zoom Annual Meeting will be March 2. This meeting is NOT IN PERSON due to pandemic restrictions. Make sure we have your correct email address to receive invitation.

January 28, 2021 Tank Drawdown coming soon.

Starting Sunday, Feb. 7, for about a week you may notice a variation in your water pressure. This is due to the regularly scheduled tank drawdown. We supply you with water from the Rincon District while this takes place. Rincon water may have more chlorine than we use, so if you have a fish tank or pond, be aware.

August 25, 2020  Current Consumer Confidence Report Available

The annual water quality report (Consumer Confidence Report 2019) is now available to read on this website and it is also posted at the Firehouse.


The water will be shut off today for several hours to homes between Nutmeg and Kalmia for repairs. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for your patience.

April 8, 2020: Pandemic Response Notice

The DDMWC will follow all State protocols and continue to supply fresh, clean drinking water to all its customers throughout the current coronavirus pandemic. Our water comes from wells deep in the earth and is not threatened with any shortages or pollution: we will continue to supply fresh, safe water as we have since 1934. For questions please contact Rich Foster, DDMWC President. Thanks for your support!

April 7, 2020 Board Meeting

The Monthly Board Meeting normally held on the first Tuesday of each month was cancelled this month due to State Directives regarding face-to-face meetings during the coronavirus pandemic. The Executive Team met and is in constant communication with the full Board and staff: the business of the DDMWC continues as usual.

March 3, 2020:

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders was held and the Board of Directors were elected for 2020. They are: Rich Foster, Tom Hodges, Roy Dunn, Larry Kluey and Kevin Tackaberry. Thanks to all who attended, sent in their proxy and voted!